Archive for the ‘Heritage’ Category

Our Scottish Heritage

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

Many times in our lives we wonder what makes us the way that we are. It is during these times that we sometimes think of where we came from. Why do I like the things I do or why did my parents believe as the do? There are many things that make us who we are, our heritage being only one of them. It is however the topic of this Blog and is on the is of interest to many of us. It seems as we age that we begin thinking mare about these things. Whether it is because we now have more time since the children have grown or my be it is because of a loss of a parent or grandparent that cause us to reflect on our history.

In my case it is probably the loss of my father that prompted me to become more interested in my family history. Before he joined his fellow Scots in the great home above we know as Heaven, he introduced me to our local Scottish festival, that he help to bring to life in our community. Before he had taken ill I had thought it strange that a bunch of people would want to go out throwing big sticks and and sheep stomachs, while wearing a skirt. What I did not know was that he was trying to leave me a legacy that would lead me to know him better in the short time that he had left among us.

Since he as passed I have come to know him in a completely different way from the others that have know him in this life and past lives. Life is to short to worry about to many thing in this world we only have a short while to learn and get to know the others that we share this earth with. Who we are is one of the most important things for us to learn. Many of you may think that it is to late for you to know your father or mother or another family member. But I am here to tell you if you look in the right places and learn to care for the same people that they did then it is not to late. You may just be a chip off of the old block after all!

I am a Scottish Clark and I am searching for those links that are all but gone, to save them for posterity and share them with others that are looking for the past as I am. And in the process I may find a friend or family member or two that would have been lost.

If anyone out there would like to share their Clark heritage I am building this site for you. Please leave your comments: